Statistics for Sustainable Development > Blog > CCAFS Data Management Support Pack
CCAFS Data Management Support Pack
This week, we're taking a break from thinking about Data Flow to highlight one of our resource packs. Over the years, Stats4SD - and the Statistical Services Centre before us - have worked with partners to build sets of resources, usually for supporting researchers and statistics education.
One such pack is the CCAFS Data Management Support Pack. This pack is a set of documents and videos that aim to help researchers, PIs and project data managers become aware of the various data management issues that arise during a research project.
The CCAFS website recommends documents based on your answers to "who", "when" and "what".
The pack was developed by the Statistical Services Centre to support the work of CCAFS, and parts of it are tailored specifically for CCAFS use. For example, one section is entirely dedicated to exploring CCAFS data portals, including the CCAFS Dataverse. However, most sections are designed to be generally applicable to any research project and the entire pack was published under a Creative Commons licence. We encourage any researchers, whether new students or experienced senior staff, to explore the pack. Hopefully, some of it will be useful to you.
You can explore the pack on the CCAFS website, where they have built a tool to help you find the most relevant documents and videos based on your role, the topic you're interested in and where you are in the project life-cycle. All the videos are also available on our YouTube Channel.
That's it for this week - let us know in the comments if you've used this or similar resources in your research and whether you find these sorts of resources useful. See you next week, where I'll be talking about different statistics packages and how to choose what software to use.

Author: Dave Mills
Dave developed an IT & data infrastructure that allows us to close information loops and deliver tailored information to diverse users, through data collecting mobile apps. He is also responsible for the development of our eLearning portfolio and Open Educational Resources.
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